Public Service ... The recent highlights

Memorable accomplishments and legislation

Public Service

Bob has served his neighbors in Monongalia and Marion counties in public service since 1998 when asked to complete the term in the House of Delegates at the untimely passing of his father. What has happened since then? Elected 5 times to serve as a Delegate in the House and 3 terms in the State Senate as your Senator for the 13th District. Listed below are some of the legislative accomplishments that Bob has been honored to have been an instrumental part while serving the people of Monongalia County.

WVU Research Park - UNDBIO

2004, then House of Delegates member Bob Beach sponsored legislation allowing a land transfer of the once WVU Poultry Farm to the WVU Research Corp, thus creating the WVU Research Park…and now future home of UNDBIO, a South Korean insulin manufacturer. Ground breaking slated for later this year.

Job prediction: 1500


From 2010 - 2014 Senator Bob was the Chair of Transportation and Infrastructure of the State Senate. He also served on the Governor's Blue Ribbon Transportation Committee.

In May of 2018, Senator Beach requested a review of the our Department of Highways budget to address the present need to repair existing roads. This analysis of the present budget will provide the necessary data to update the state formula that dictates the money allotted for the budget.

Roads and transportation ranks among the top concerns for West Virginia residents. Bob is happy to have participated in the Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation, here locally Bob has worked on numerous projects across the county, advocating for round about use, and most recently keeping the Mileground project on point.

Bob has succeeded in acknowledging our deceased Veteran’s, Rosie the Riveters, MIA, Coaches, Sheriffs, and Col. Zackquil Morgan via roadway signs.

Perhaps Bob’s greatest achievement while Chairing the Senate Committee on Transportation is the multi-million dollar safety improvements to the I-79/ I-68 junction corridor…upgrading signage, parapet height, and lighting.

Tax Increment Financing District

(better know as a TIF):

During the March 2012 Session of the WV Legislature, Senator Bob Beach led a team of legislators and local leaders to create and pass legislation establishing a unique Economic Development District for North Central WV. Upon passage 1000 acres of previously barren land was set aside for the purpose of establishing a multi-purpose economic development project. Two months later ground was broken to create retail establishments, healthcare facility, business park, and the Monongalia County ball park, which is now home to both WVU baseball and Pirate minor league team the Black Bears.

Tourism ranks among our greatest achievement within the State, with both Democrats and Republicans seeing the economic benefit of increased traffic to our parks, trails, streams, and historical locals.

Bob has for the past decade promoted our regional state parks like Coopers Rock State Forest and the development of the WV Botanical Garden. Working with both Foundations Bob provided funding for CCC restoration projects within the forest, new gateway, and the new Terrace on the Tibbs at the WV Botanical Garden.

Bob continues a long long relationship with both.

PEIA Task Force

In the last legislative session the voice of public employees was heard on the PEIA issues.

The Governor put together a task force to collect information through out the state as a fact finding mission for potential paths to resolutions.

Senator Bob Beach saw a discrepancy of representation with the original task force choices. He then sought a resolution letter requesting for additional women to be placed on the task force for greater balance of representation.

WVU Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Design

Senator Beach has been an active supporter of West Virginia University. All three of Bob’s daughters are proud graduates. Two are teachers and the other is a nurse! Needless to say that Bob is a proud father of his WVU Alumni.

Bob served maximum 10 years on the West Virginia University Davis College Visitation Team.

Industrial Hemp:

Prior to the passage of the Federal Farm Bob crafted, presented, and passed a WV Senate Resolution which requested the members of the Southern Legislative Conference (SLC) to meet and provide a solution to interstate commerce of industrial hemp. In July of 2018, at the SLC of States in St. Louis, Bob defended the Senate Resolution before the Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development, followed by a unanimous vote by those representing legislative members the resolution language was adopted.